The early days of coffee

The early days of coffee
The early days of coffee

We all know how coffee gives us an energy boost, but do you how coffee was discovered? No one exactly knows, but many stories are traced back to a goat herder in the ancient forests of Ethiopia. The goat herder noticed how his sheep became energetic after eating berries from a tree. He told his story to a local who made a drink with the berries ... it is believed that this was the first cup of coffee! This is the same boost we experience today. Read more at the National Coffee Association.

Every bag of our online and in-store coffee will display a roasting date. When you purchase one of our bags you'll know it has been freshly roasted - some of our varieties are roasted by hand! So, whether you are a connoisseur or a novice, head over to our online shop for all our coffee varieties and treat yourself, or your loved ones to coffee fit for royalty ... at home or in your office.